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Intitulé du cours: Strategies of Expansion in International Law


Enseignant: Jean d’Aspremont, Professor of International Law, Sciences Po School of Law and University of Manchester.


Type d’enseignement:  Seminaire


Semestre:  2e semestre


Nombre d’heures de cours: 6 h


Langue principale: Anglais





Pas de prérequis.


Description du cours:


Session 1: The legally binding vs the non-legally binding and the liberal heritage

Session 2: Expansion of international law through sources

Session 3: Expansion of international law through interpretation

Session 4: Expansion of international law beyond the legally binding


Objectifs du cours:


The course aims to provide students with new tools to reflect on how the traditional doctrines of international law are used and deployed in practice and legal thought. In doing so, it invites students to take a new look at how the way in which practitioners and scholars make the boundaries of international law fluctuate according to their respective agendas. At the end of this course, students will have acquired new critical skills and reflexive capacity.


Méthode pédagogique:


Interactive sessions where students are expected to participate. Reading the materials is absolutely necessary.




Essays (4000 words including footnotes). The topic of the essay will be agreed with the lecturer at the end of the course




  • J. d’Aspremont, Bindingness (November 13, 2015). J. d’Aspremont and S. Singh (eds), Fundamental Concepts for International Law: The Construction of a Discipline, Elgar, 2018, Forthcoming; Available at SSRN:

  • A. Bianchi, Textual Interpretation and (International) Law Reading: The Myth of (in) Determinacy and the Genealogy of Meaning (December 28, 2010). MAKING TRANSNATIONAL LAW WORK IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY - ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF DETLEV VAGTS, pp. 34-56, P. Bekker, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Available at SSRN:

  •  J. d’Aspremont, Expansionism and the Sources of International Human Rights Law (March 28, 2016). Available at SSRN:

  • J. d’Aspremont, The Two Cultures of International Criminal Law (February 2, 2017). Forthcoming, Heller, Mégret, Nouwen, Ohlin, Robinson (eds), Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law (OUP, 2018); Available at SSRN:

  • D. Kennedy, "The Mystery of Global Governance," 34 Ohio Northern University Law Review, pp 827-860 (2008),

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